
Ever the trail blazers in viral technology, Google have created a new site designed to tell your future. We predict you’ll visit it very soon!

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Google FortunetellingGoogle Fortunetelling claims to make a good effort at predicting your future based upon your previous searches and your Google profile. Upon visiting the site you’ll be greeted with, what is a familiar search screen with a few small tweaks.

From here, as you begin typing you may notice that something is slightly usual about the suggested search terms, as some items appear here that few will ever search for.

google fortunetelling syrian crisisOf course Google cannot predict the future. Google Fortunetelling is described by Google themselves as a “fake site”, designed to overcome the growing apathy existing in society. Much debate surrounds whether or not nations should open their borders to allow refugees in, but regardless of your stance here, what is undeniable is they need help.

Google created this site to juxtapose the desire of the user to know what the future holds with the refugees who wonder if they have a future at all, before providing some links to help.

Please support the Syrian Refugees in anyway possible, through local initiatives or donating to one of these charities.

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