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Irish shopping trends

International Websites Destination Of Choice For Irish Shoppers

Ireland has been very slow to adopt online shopping. That's a broad statement that needs a little bit of digging. Irish businesses, more specifically,...
shop irish online

Buy Irish: The Best Irish Websites For Online Shopping

Irish businesses are heading into an exceptionally tough time right now. Not only have retailers and restaurants battled to reopen in some way, shape...
qr codes in sprezzatura restuarant

The Last Stand Of The QR Code

User experience is something that changes dramatically as technology changes. Developers and designers quickly adapt and adopt to what consumers like you start to...
amazon shopping in ireland

Goosed Stats: 34% of People in Ireland Shop on Amazon.co.uk

We’re fresh off the back of Black Friday and we’re slap bang in the middle of the Christmas shopping rush. That got me thinking....

Irish online shopping to double by 2021

Online shopping is widely considered a slow burner in Ireland, but a report released today by Virgin Media would there are some misconceptions about the...