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Tag: work from home

soundcore liberty air 2 pro-2

Soundcore Liberty Air 2 Pro Review: Light With Lots Of Battery

Not that long ago, ear buds were expensive with an absolute maximum of three hours battery. Noise cancelling was fancy technology only found in...

The Couchmaster Lapdesk Review: A Piece Of Tech You Didn’t Know...

Earlier this year I wrote about working from home and keeping your work spaces separate to your rest spaces. I live in a one...

Lenovo’s High Performance Laptops – Just the Trick for WFH!

Over the last few weeks people have had to start working from home and we all know why so I'll try my best to...
working from home tips

Working From Home Tips For Non-Techies

I've been reading a few guides lately which point out some of the tech and apps that will help you work from home. These...
deskmate review

Deskmate: A Brilliant Cheap Standup Desk For Working From Home

Working from home is great. Well, it's great if you have space at home to work from. Sometimes I work from home. I live...