The power of the people is a common theme emerging from today’s latest tech start ups. We’re looking at the biggest crowd funding and crowd powered companies.
Sean Rad – Tinder
Revolutionising the way we shift and drift
Tinder was not Sean Rad’s first endeavor, but actually his third. In true Bill Gates style, Rad began college but never finished, dropping out and creating an email service and marketing company before creating the world famous Tinder. Tinder matches around 12 million people per day, leading to many wondering if that awkward couple in the bar are on a “Tinder date” or not.
Yancey Strickler – Kickstarter
The new way to start up businesses
Strickler is a co-founder of behemoth crowd funding platform Kickstarter. Kickstarter provides a platform for early life projects to raise funds from the public, who in return get early access or other rewards relating to the Kickstarter project. The sheer volume and variety of projects on Kickstarter is stunning, with the most popular of all time being this year’s Pebble Time smart watch.
Lukas Biewald – CrowdFlower
Many hands making light work
As we gather more and more data, it becomes more difficult to keep on top of it all. Lukas Biewald is co-creator of CrowdFlower. CrowdFlower provides large crowds and a verification system for sorting through large volumes of data, which cuts costs and centralised workloads.
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